504 PLAN &

Parents hire me to help navigate 504/IEP eligibility, plan development, ensure the special education laws are followed, file complaints and improve the educational experience at school for their special needs child. I represent the student's best interests and make sure the parent has a voice in the special education process. Parents should feel confident that the school district and staff collaborate productively with them in developing a 504 Plan or IEP specific to their child's needs and situation. 

My role is to be sure the plan that’s developed is based on needs of the student 

Let's work together in making your child thrive!


There are many benefits to education advocates.  Together with representing the parents and child, an advocate has excellent problem solving and negotiating skills so they can effectively collaborate with the school to help develop an optimal plan for a student.  By working together with the school, a successful advocate will remove barriers to a child's education so the child can achieve educational growth and progress.  An advocate will work closely with parents to make sure they have meaningful participation in plan development, their concerns are heard and considered throughout the process.  In addition, the advocate will apply knowledge and experience to ensure that an effective and quality educational plan is designed specific for the involved child.